Multiple Disease Prediction

Diabetes Prediction

Automated detection of Diabetes Mellitus in the patients using clinical data.

Cardiac Arrest Prediction

Automated prediction of chances of Cardiac Arrests in the patients using clinical data.

Parkinson's Disease

Automated detection of Parkinson's Diseases in the patients using clinical data.

Renal Disease

Automated detection of Renal Diseases in the patients using clinical data.

Brain Stroke Detection

Automated prediction of possibility of Brain Stroke in the patients using clinical data.

Stress Level Detection

Automated detection of Stress Level in the patients using clinical data

Hepatic Disease

Automated detection of Hepatic Diseases in the patients using clinical data.

Lung Cancer Detection

Automated detection of Lung Cancer in the patients using clinical data.

Prostate Cancer Detection

Automated detection of Prostate Cancer in the patients using clinical data.

Asthma Prediciton

Automated detection of Asthma in the patients using clinical data.

Alzheimers Prediction

Automated detection of Alzheimers in the patients using clinical data.

Dementia Detection

Automated detection of Dementia in the patients using clinical data.